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Офисное освещение

A complete guide to Office Lighting (desing, selection, and installtion)

Lighting in your office is an essential element for efficiency during work.

Poor lighting is considered one of the most popular design mistakes that may cause stress and annoying. С другой стороны, appropriate lighting is suitable for mood and productivity. Для этого, you should pay more attention to office lighting design.

In that article, we will go through different elements that could help you have an efficient office lighting.

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Types of Office Lighting:

The variety of light plays an essential role in the lighting selection process. There are a few different options, and each one has its pros and cons. There are two main types of Natural and Artificial lights.

Natural Light:

We are talking about daylight, лучший вид освещения. Окна — отличная и полезная вещь в любом офисном здании., поскольку они позволяют ему заполнить ваше пространство. Он превосходит большинство искусственных источников света, поскольку увеличивает рабочие места.’ удовлетворенность своим рабочим местом и производительностью. А также, это положительно влияет как на поведение, так и на настроение, чего не может сделать большинство искусственных источников света..

Естественный свет не всегда является ценным вариантом; это зависит от самого рабочего места; он может подойти не для всех рабочих мест. Было бы полезно, если бы вы воспользовались этим только тогда, когда у вас есть возможность и возможность..

Окружающий свет:

Это один из самых распространенных видов освещения., также отлично работает при установке на потолке или при использовании люминесцентных ламп.. Имеет мягкое свечение, чего достаточно для работы без суровых условий корпуса.

Рабочее освещение:

It is a smaller and more concentrated light suitable for individual usage and workstations. It is to help seeing projects, and objects in a more delicate light, such as cooking, sewing, reading, writing, and many other things. Both the ambient and task lighting with the right combination is important in any office for better effect.

Accent and Directional Lighting:

It is a very concentrated light that is suitable for highlighting different objects, as it draws the eye to its focal point. This will illuminate the objects you want to have a focus on, such as wall washing, bookcase, artwork, furniture, and similar things. This light and task lighting shouldn’t be mixed as the functions of them are entirely different.

Factors for Choosing Best Office Lighting:

The brightness of the light:

It is one of the most critical factors you need to take into consideration when installing your lights. You need to make sure that you have enough illumination, as Too bright may cause eye problems and headaches, and too dull will make workers lazy and affect their efficiency. So you must ensure that office lighting is optimal for your environment.

Lighting Design:

With the massive expansion in the lighting industry, now there are too many lighting designs, but not all of them will meet your requirements. So you must choose the design that will work correctly for your office layout. You may consider the design that will add a decorative view without affecting the clarity of employeessight.

The Right Bulbs:

Their range and in intensity and color temperature is based on the Kelvin scale. 6500K bulbs will resemble regular daylight, which is the most common at offices. It is also vital that all lamps are the office have the same color temperature for balanced lighting distribution.

Indirect Lighting:

Reports from Consumer Health state that overhead fluorescent and direct lighting can cause sleep problems, headaches, or eye strain, especially with computer screens. Так, you should replace them with indirect lighting and task lighting with low glare, and distribute light evenly around the office for the best coverage. Although, for computer screens, direct the illumination away from them and toward the work surface.

Position of the Lighting:

Location can be at the walls, ceiling, or even floor. So please choose the proper position of your office type and its function. Make sure that lighting is positioned well for all employees so that all of them can see clearly. If you have a large office, then you can have different positions for each section to match the various tasks to have an overall pleasant environment.

Office Space and Sections:

The size of your office is a significant factor during designing the lighting layout. This will affect the number of fixtures, and wattages to cover all areas of the office. Также, different sections with different functions mean different lighting fixtures to provide the proper lighting for each one of them. You may have different light because the activities and work may be different at each section.

Consider the Laws:

Существуют некоторые законы и постановления правительства, которые необходимо соблюдать при установке системы освещения в офисе.. Основная цель – гарантировать безопасность сотрудников в этом конкретном офисе.. Если вы работаете в одном из этих учреждений, тогда вы должны следовать стандартам и соблюдать все законы, чтобы избежать неприятностей.

При установке системы освещения в офисе необходимо соблюдать некоторые конкретные законы и правила..

Типы офисных осветительных приборов:

Светодиодный светильник:

Используется для общих целей, например, в подвале., или полы близко к стенам, чтобы создать эффект, аналогичный мытью стен с целью подсветки кирпича, или красочный дизайн. Также, Если у вас есть фокус, например, произведение искусства, или что-то важное.

Светодиодное освещение панели:

LED panel lights have high luminous and energy-efficient which make them suitable for offices, залы, or different rooms that needs bright lighting. Using them will help in creating low glare lighting environment at your office. This will enhance your employees’ activities.

Troffer Lights:

A great choice for many locations where you need powerful lighting for large areas, fixtures to be out of the way and unnoticeable. They will ensure that your area looking good. These lights offer a concentrated lighting and an attractive appearance which making them ideal for almost any residential, or commercial buildings.

Linear Lighting:

Office linear lighting is the best way to illuminate the offices with very high ceilings and provide lighting without glare. It has a variety of fixtures to match your needs either modern look, industrial or commercial applications, or both of them.

Different Sections / Areas of Offices:

  • Conference Room: It is the most common section in all office buildings where you can hold meetings, discuss a new project, or follow up current situations of your business.
    You can go for standard fluorescent or LED light, which is functional or go for elegant and decorative lights that will add an attractive look.
  • Reception Area:It is the entrance for clients, so it gives the first impression to them about your business, as it is the first section they will deal with at your office. So it is necessary to choose the right lights. You can control what your clients will feel.
    If you want them to feel cozy, then use traditional lamps, modern lighting for a contemporary style feeling, or dark shade for a beautiful look. You have a variety of scenes; you choose what you need.
  • Коридоры:No one is working at entrances, so it is an area where you should use economical lighting solutions. But it would help if you respected all the laws and rules at your building that your employees can come and go quickly and safely all the time.
  • Public Areas:They are essential, and you should choose their lighting correctly, as it will affect the surroundings. Lighting can create a pleasant environment that will make employees and workers feel better and more active. You can choose wall fixtures, modern lighting, panel LED lights, or a suspended lamp according to your needs and how you want the atmosphere in these areas.


Правильное офисное освещение необходимо любому коммерческому офисному зданию., или домашний офис. Создание оптимальной рабочей среды может мотивировать ваших сотрудников или ослаблять их энергию., поэтому внимание к освещению может повысить вашу продуктивность, и берегите здоровье своих сотрудников.

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